Thursday 21 May 2009

Danger - Cats

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  1. chazza said: lmfo. . B r i l l i ant, absolutly brill. . .my black cat Zappa, when i peg out the washing and ignore till I do so. He grabs the back of one of my thighs like im a tree trunk and bites my bum

    Hes so lucky im short, or hes taller than the usual moggy lol xxx

  2. Are you sure he's not a puma, Chazza? :-) The thought of that makes me laugh.

  3. You might have something there. . .lol Zappa Looks like a Cat,eats and certainly weighs a puma weight.

    Yea. . Isti finds it histerical (I being the right height for Zapper to bully. .). He dont do it to Isti. x x x

  4. I'm amazed how Zappa manages to fit your butt in his mouth!

  5. Isti, you always have to take it one step further, don't ya? lol

  6. Thanks Jo. . .yes HE does, doesnt he S A D. . .utterly S A D

    em' kettle calling pot. . .comes to mind.

    Forgets this blogg of yours purposeXxx
